YOLO-CORE: Contour Regression for Efficient Instance Segmentation
Graphical Abstract
Instance segmentation has drawn mounting attention due to its significant utility. However, high computational costs have been widely acknowledged in this domain, as the instance mask is generally achieved by pixel-level labeling. In this paper, we present a conceptually efficient contour regression network based on the you only look once (YOLO) architecture named YOLO-CORE for instance segmentation. The mask of the instance is efficiently acquired by explicit and direct contour regression using our designed multi-order constraint consisting of a polar distance loss and a sector loss. Our proposed YOLO-CORE yields impressive segmentation performance in terms of both accuracy and speed. It achieves 57.9% AP@0.5 with 47 FPS (frames per second) on the semantic boundaries dataset (SBD) and 51.1% AP@0.5 with 46 FPS on the COCO dataset. The superior performance achieved by our method with explicit contour regression suggests a new technique line in the YOLO-based image understanding field. Moreover, our instance segmentation design can be flexibly integrated into existing deep detectors with negligible computation cost (65.86 BFLOPs (billion float operations per second) to 66.15 BFLOPs with the YOLOv3 detector).