Implementation of Enterprises Interoperation Based on Ontology
Graphical Abstract
The interoperation among enterprises in e-business could block the ambient semantic collaboration and cause a big problem since varying information descriptions and different data models may be used in different enterprises information systems. Ontology is an important tool to overcome the above mentioned syntax and semantic misunderstanding problem. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly environment supporting syntax and neutral format data model for business information. In this paper, two scenarios are discussed and a unified description of data model is developed to solve the gap in interoperation through mapping from logical data of enterprise s information system. It provides the methods to realize the mapping among different types of data or information. First, database and other types of information are transformed into neutral format that are described by web ontology language (OWL). Second, the neutral format can be mapped into the semantic entities and semantic linking through the process of extraction and annotation and added into ontology and then described in a standard format that makes the collaboration be understood easily.